外资(欧美) 少于50人 医疗设备/器械 贸易/进出口
外资(欧美) 少于50人 医疗设备/器械 贸易/进出口
Mira MEDsource is a wholly owned foreign enterprise affiliated with Owens & Minor, and serves as the sourcing arm of Owens & Minor. Mira MEDsource is dedicated to providing high-quality products at the most competitive prices, while delivering consistent value and unmatched service. Through a shared commitment to the highest standards of professional ethics and integrity, Mira MEDsource looks to partner with suppliers and manufacturers to develop and maintain mutually beneficial, long-term relationships.Owens & Minor, a Fortune 500 company, is the leading distributor of name-brand medical/surgical supplies in the United States. Owens & Minor delivers thousands of vital products to approximately 4,400 healthcare provider customers domestically from 50 distribution centers. Owens & Minor also distributes its private label MediChoice brand products which offer quality, value-priced products backed by Owens & Minor's signature customer service. Owens & Minor is dedicated to the wellbeing of its teammates, and to delivering value for its customers, its supplier partners, and its shareholders since 1882. Owens & Minor...Delivering More.上海明若医疗器械贸易有限公司是美国500强企业Owens & Minor公司在国内的独资企业,也是Owens & Minor公司在本土以外的首个投资项目,主要从事一次性医疗器具的全球采购和供应链管理。Owens & Minor公司是美国医疗市场一次性医疗器具和外科手术用品的最大经销商以及医疗系统供应链管理方案的主要提供商。通过其50个配送中心,Owens & Minor公司为美国4500家医院、综合医疗系统、医护中心销售其自主品牌MediChoice产品,并提供众多的产品增值服务。自1882年成立以来,Owens & Minor公司就一直发扬有着130多年悠久历史的企业文化传统,专注于关心员工福祉,为客户、供应商、合作伙伴和股东创造最优价值。上海明若公司致力于提供品质稳定并具价格竞争力的产品,以及让客户满意的售后服务。本着遵守高标准的职业道德和诚信的共同承诺,明若公司将与客户和全球的供应商建立、发展互惠互利、长期合作的伙伴关系。公司正式员工福利:1.固定双休、法定节假日及各类带薪假;2.为正式员工缴纳五险一金,公司还额外购买补充医疗保险,个人意外险及独生子女福利;3.员工关怀:午餐补贴、生日活动、节假日福利、年度免费健康体检等;4.丰富的企业文化活动,定期的team bulding和team event;